On Point Article Categories

Kayla Stover, M.S. ’17, a student in the communication sciences and disorders program, participated in ‘Inquiry Across Disciplines.’

Show and Tell: Graduate students present their research in annual symposium

Summer 2016

Students at Prince Edward County Middle School who had been struggling readers improved their SOL reading scores in spring 2015 thanks to a reading intervention plan designed and implemented by…

Taking Liberties

Summer 2016

Study finds widespread evidence of questionable research methods in management field A surprising number of researchers in the field of management are framing their results to make their work appear…

Who Knew?

Summer 2016

More than 100 members of the Longwood-Farmville community spent an afternoon this spring exploring what might be considered part of their own backyard—and what they found was surprising. Longwood’s Lancer…

Students donate thousands of books

Summer 2016

When members of a Longwood student volunteer group learned that many children in the region have very few or no books of their own, they sprang into action. The group,…

Read the Fine Prints

Summer 2016

Analyze your fingertips—not your palms—to see if diabetes is in your future, study shows Fingerprints are known to be important clues in solving crimes—but in predicting and preventing disease? That’s…

Natasha Paramanova improved her speech—and her self-esteem—during therapy with Longwood students, including Kelley Chaney (left), M.S. ’17, and Moriah Mayhew ’15, M.S. ’17

Loud and Clear

Summer 2016

Boost in self-confidence is side effect of free speech therapy Kazakhstani woman received at Longwood

Dr. Roger Byrne

Vision and Experience

Summer 2016

Distinguished scientist, veteran administrator to lead Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences

Steven J. Brown ’16, a music major from Java, was part of the choral group that performed ‘The Road Home’ during the ceremony.

A Joyful Noise

Summer 2016

The sounds of commencement usher in a new chapter for 2016 graduates

Guana Island serves as a picturesque backdrop for work by Dr. Brian Bates ’92 (standing), director of Longwood’s new Institute of Archaeology, and students Jordan Wilson ’17 (left),Tyler Rocke ’16 and Daniel Parrish ’17.

Fantasy Island

Spring 2016

Project on private Caribbean island among first for Institute of Archaeology Giving students hands-on experience, literally uncovering history and providing job opportunities for Longwood graduates are just three of the…

Constance Garner ’16 meets with U.S. Sens. Tim Kaine (left) and Mark Warner

The Art of Teaching

Spring 2016

Science, music come to life for middle-schoolers in unique outreach program Three middle-schoolers crowded around a trough of mud in the middle of a lab in Chichester Hall. As if…