Milestone Reunions set for April 29-30, 2016

Joanie on the Pony statueThe Longwood campus will be buzzing with activities on the weekend of April 29-30, 2016, with the 50th reunion celebration of the Class of 1966 and additional Milestone Reunions for the classes of 1946, 1951, 1956 and 1961.

Plans for the weekend include tours of the Moton Museum, tee times at Longwood’s golf course, a visit to the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts and shops along Farmville’s Main Street, and an opportunity to cheer on the Longwood softball team in a game against Radford.

Be on the lookout for a save-the-date communication. Because hotel accommodations are limited, anyone planning to attend is encouraged to reserve a room at the Farmville Hampton Inn (434-392-8826) using group code LU8 as soon as possible.

Please visit for more information and to register online.

