Alumni News Article Categories

You never know where you’ll find Flat Elwood

Spring 2014

Flat Elwood travels every weekend to a different location around campus or town. Photos of him are posted every Wednesday at noon on the “Where’s Elwood” Facebook page, which was…

Alumni Relations announces recipients of Legacy Scholarships, seeks nominations for 2014-15

Spring 2014

The 2013-14 Alumni Legacy Scholarship recipients are Bailey Jenkins ’17 and Amelia McConnell ’16. Each student received $2,000. Jenkins is a biology major from Roanoke. Her father, Scott Jenkins, graduated…

Performing Well

Spring 2014

Alumna builds sales as director of retail operations at Kennedy Center


Spring 2014

View Alumnus translates love of birding into dynamic tours

Class Notes

Spring 2014

1960s Judith Robertson Wobbrock ’61 and her husband will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in June 2014. Glenda C. Booth ’66 was appointed to the advisory council of the Virginia…

One of the Family

Fall 2013

Popular professor receives award, alumni status

175th Anniversary publications planned

Fall 2013

Longwood history to be updated Longwood’s 175th Anniversary is being celebrated with an updated history of the normal school-turned-university. The largely pictorial history will be available by March 2014 in…

Alumni Advisory Board elects new officers

Fall 2013

Congratulations to Colleen McCrink Margiloff  ’97 on  her appointment to the Longwood Board of Visitors. Because of her new leadership role, Margiloff has resigned her position as presi- dent of…

Alumni reunions planned

Fall 2013

October 2013: Classes of 1968 and 1973 Members of the Classes of 1968 and 1973 will gather on the Longwood campus Oct. 1819, 2013, to relive memories and celebrate the…

Send Flat Elwood off on his journey

Fall 2013

The  Flat Stanley Project is a nationwide effort to promote literacy and community among young learners by sending out “flat” visitors through the mail, then having students track, discuss and…