Buried Treasure
The story of how the largest collection of native virginia plants in the world came to reside in the basement of greenwood library is as priceless as the collection itself.

Always Remembered
Sculptures honoring the Cunninghams will be displayed in new student, alumni centers
Poem Central: Word Journeys with Readers and Writers by Shirley Powell McPhillips ’62, Longwood alumna Stenhouse Publishers describes this book, which is primarily for educators in grades 5-12, as helping...
When I’m traveling around the Commonwealth and beyond, it always makes me smile to see a Longwood bumper sticker or someone wearing a Longwood sweatshirt. Our alumni know and celebrate...
About The Magazine Publisher Longwood University Foundation Inc. Bart Mitchell ’90, PresidentEditor Sabrina Brown Creative Director David Whaley Associate Editors Kent Booty, Matthew McWilliams Sports Editor Chris Cook Photographer Andrea...
On Point
Student’s work with marine sponges may yield better method of harvesting anti-cancer compounds
Faculty member in new animation design major is on a first-name basis with SpongeBob, Stimpy and the Simpsons
Civil War podcast series to end in April
A weekly Longwood podcast series that commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Civil War will end in April after 4-1/2 years and more than 200 episodes. The principals say they...
LUPD ranks in top 20 among the nation’s colleges, universities
The Longwood University Police Department (LUPD) is ranked 16th in the nation among colleges and universities in the annual evaluation of the security industry by Security Magazine. Longwood is the...
Expert says women should focus on exercise and a healthy lifestyle instead of weight loss in hips and thighs
Longwood provides region with first full-time service for patients with hearing disorders
Family life concentration receives national certification
Longwood’s family studies concentration in sociology is the only undergraduate program in Virginia to be approved as a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) curriculum by the National Council on Family...
Online MBA programs rank in top 100 nationally
Longwood’s online MBA programs have been ranked among the best in the nation. The programs are ranked 78th nationally in U.S. News & World Report’s 2015 Best Online Graduate MBA...
Research examines microaggression
It’s a statistic that may raise eyebrows: More than 80 percent of college students say they have been the targets of microaggression. From cringe-worthy comments on how articulate a black...
Lancer Update
Preseason pitcher honors in Big South Conference go to Longwood senior
Senior right-hander Aaron Myers ’15, a physics major from Newport News, was named Big South Conference Preseason Pitcher of the Year by the league’s head coaches. Myers is coming off...
Alumni News
1970s Sherry Tomlin Sandkam ’70 is associate dean of the Graduate School at Virginia Commonwealth University. 1980s Jan Hundley, M.S. ’08, is the author of three children’s books: Vali–A Special...
Alumna brings innovative ideas to Brooklyn community development corporation, NPR
Alumnae fill 3 positions in advancement and alumni relations
The Office of University Advancement has one new face and one familiar face in a new role. Katherine Buffey Bulifant ’13, M.S. ’14, assumed the new position of director of campus philanthropy...
Decade of 2010s Reunion Weekend set for Oktoberfest
If you graduated during the 2010s, mark your calendar for Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015. That’s the date for the Decade of the 2010s Reunion (the Classes of 2010-14), which will...
End Paper
150 years after Lee’s surrender, some wounds of North-South conflict have not healed